Indoor/Trad climbing partner (Manchester)

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 oliviarose 25 Jun 2024

Hey everyone,

I'm in and around Manchester and looking for a climbing partner to do some routes with and train, ideally trad.

Hit me up if you are interested!

 Z.Woodford.1 01 Jul 2024
In reply to oliviarose:

Hi Olivia, I am looking for a partner too. I am more sport climbing, but I dont mind swapping between the two and doing a bit of both if you are open to that?

I am currently working on 6bs in sport. 

Lemme know what you thing  

 chris vernon 10 Jul 2024
In reply to oliviarose:

Hi, I'm in Liverpool and work 4 on, 4 off and am often looking for trad partners for the Peak, Lakes, Wales and Yorkshire.



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