OS Maps snap to path

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 islandlynx 18 Jul 2024


I've noticed 'snap to path' not working on OS maps when you're on topographic map, a message says something like 'snap to path only works in national parks unless you're using the standard map'. Anyone know why this has changed? if there's a fix or if it might change back?


 Neil Williams 18 Jul 2024
In reply to islandlynx:

It's working fine for me around Milton Keynes which definitely isn't a NP!  Does your app need updating?  That's what the older app used to say before they added it everywhere (I think using openstreetmap data).

Post edited at 21:56
 Baz P 18 Jul 2024
In reply to islandlynx:

My partners app also says it only works in National Parks. Will look into updating.

I actually find the snap to path rather annoying as when following a route, mainly on bridleways with mountain bikes, the route covers the actual track so you can’t see the designation between a path and a bridleway or byway.  I use MamoryMap to plan a track and draw it alongside the actual track on the map. 

Post edited at 22:29
 Ridge 18 Jul 2024
In reply to islandlynx:

Seems to work outside the NP on mine. Only occasional issue I have is the 'snap' occasionally defaulting to a wall line or other feature rather than the path/track shown on the map.

Still quite impressive stuff.

 Neil Williams 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Ridge:

I believe it uses OpenStreetMap data rather than OS data, which is why the paths are sometimes not quite the same.

 Ridge 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Neil Williams:

Thanks Neil, thought it might have been a digitisation error, but that explains it.

 Darron 20 Jul 2024
In reply to islandlynx:

mine has always said same (3yrs). Interesting to read it’s not the same for all!

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