Old Dungeon Ghyll Hotel Great Langdale, Ambleside Parking

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 Paul Willis 06 Jul 2024

Hi im planning a trip to pavey arc tomorrow does anyone know how much the parking is there?

Thanks in advance


 Martin Hore 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

The normal approach to Pavey Ark starts from the New Dungeon Ghyll National Trust parking which has a lot more space than the NT parking at the Old Dungeon Ghyll (but is probably more popular). For either, you might need to arrive early on a summer (?) weekend.


 Godwin 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Your post is a bit unclear.

There is a bus from Ambleside to the ODG so you could park anywhere along that route, and do a linear walk back to wherever your car is parked.

 storm-petrel 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Free for National Trust members. Otherwise bring lots of money.

 pec 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

The NT car parks are the best part of £10 these days. As said above, for Pavey Arc you want the New DG not Old DG car park. As well as the NT, there's also another car park (not NT?) on left hand side of the road at the same place which may be marginally cheaper.

The New DG pub also has a field (just before it on the right) which is sometimes open for parking on busy weekends which is cheaper still. Pay in the bar.

OP Paul Willis 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis: cheers everyone I think it will work out less to join the national trust

 Jon Read 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

The Sticklebarn NT car park ('new dungeon ghyll') often has NT staff and booth, where you can join on the spot. 

Post edited at 20:34
 Jasonic 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Also works in Scotland as reciprocal rights with NTS.. 

 olddirtydoggy 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Don't join the NT or pay.

 Neil Williams 07 Jul 2024
In reply to pec:

The one on the other side of the road is run by the National Park and is unsurprisingly priced about the same as the NT ones.

 Rick Graham 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Neil Williams:

> The one on the other side of the road is run by the National Park and is unsurprisingly priced about the same as the NT ones.

As a local, I , along with a lot of folk in the area, ( ambleside council have just had a vote of no confidence in the ldnpa, interesting to see how many others follow) are not happy with either organisation.

I am on the cusp of joining the scottish nt or whatever its called. Have deep pockets, its hard to reach the bottom

 Rick Graham 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

To my disliker. Am I not allowed to express an opinion?

 Rick Graham 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Obviously not

PS. I dont care.

 Godwin 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Depending on how cheap you actually you are, and if it's just the parking you are after, joining as an under 24 is the cheapest option. 

 storm-petrel 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

> To my disliker. Am I not allowed to express an opinion?

Yes you are as are all of us, but that doesn't mean you are exempt from dislikes. I wasn't your disliker by the way.

Would you care to tell us why you are not happy with either organisation? A quick search shows why you might be unhappy with the LDNPA and I tend to agree. What is your issue with the NT as a "local". I'm not a local. I live a long way away on the Furness Peninsular though I'm a regular visitor to Ambleside and Langdale.

In an ideal world the likes of the NT and other conservation bodies wouldn't exist but we don't live in an ideal world. Would you care to fill us in on what you think the issues with the NT are and why you apparently think the Scottish NT are a better or perhaps less bad option?

I'm genuinely interested.

 timjones 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

> I am on the cusp of joining the scottish nt or whatever its called. Have deep pockets, its hard to reach the bottom

I was considering the same thing to save a few pennies but I think that it doesn't always cover parking at English NT properties.

 Lankyman 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

> Depending on how cheap you actually you are, and if it's just the parking you are after, joining as an under 24 is the cheapest option. 

I've neglected my skin regime lately. Do you think I could pass as an under-24? Please be kind.

 Neil Williams 07 Jul 2024
In reply to timjones:

> I was considering the same thing to save a few pennies but I think that it doesn't always cover parking at English NT properties.

I believe there is full reciprocal acceptance.  My parents joined it because it was cheaper

 Godwin 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

Sure you could, your youthful Joie de Vive, will carry the day.

The Scottish nt pass works on NT car parks, just leave your card on the dash.

I buy the Scottish nt, because I am mean.

 Godwin 07 Jul 2024
In reply to storm-petrel:

Rick is capable of speaking for himself, but many locals dislike the NT because their mission is to look after the fabric of the country, even if that means putting things before people. I believe it's actually part of their charitable status, so I understand why, but no way will I support it.

People first, things second.

And anyway I am mean, and do not like to pay for anything.

 65 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Our NTS membership has paid for itself many times over on not many trips to the Lakes. Also simplifies tumbling out of the ODG and dossing in the car if the campsite is full.

 Pedro50 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

The NT mission is to preserve the fabric of the country as you say and does a decent job. Why on earth should it be concerned with "people"? We're all free to support any charities we choose. Certainly in a perfect society charities should not need to exist but we are where we are.

 Godwin 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Pedro50:

>  Why on earth should it be concerned with "people"? 

If you cannot work that one out, I doubt there is much I can say that will help.

Nighty night and toddle pip.

 Pedro50 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

So should we flog every picture in the National Gallery and use the proceeds to increase child benefit or fund social care? An interesting moral maize. And toddle (sic) pip yourself.

Post edited at 21:37
 deepsoup 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Pedro50:

> An interesting moral maize.

Bit corny.

 DizzyT 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Take a junior NTS membership and you get the parking pass for the year. Consider it a gift for the junior in your family.

 Rick Graham 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

> Rick is capable of speaking for himself, 

Except I have had a busy week and CBA atm.

Suffice to say, I have lived in Cumbria for 46 years and cannot recall a conversation where a positive opinion was expressed of either organisation.

 Dunthemall 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Option is also the NT OAP discount

 wercat 14 Jul 2024
In reply to deepsoup:

> Bit corny.

I see real sense in his comment

 compost 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Willis:

Meanwhile, in the real world...

It's £8.50 for the full day and if you think about it as paying for your day out on the fells, it's a bargain.

 wercat 15 Jul 2024

"see real"?? OK it was perhaps the wurst pun on the thread

In reply to Godwin:

I see the NT as a force for good, helping to preserve many of the beauty spots in the country. As for the "people" element, the NT provides enjoyable days out for vast numbers of people and families. It's one of those British institutes that actually works rather well.

In reply to Rick Graham:

> Obviously not

> PS. I dont care.

Hahahaha go on Rick!!  

 Pete Pozman 20 Jul 2024
In reply to storm-petrel:

Some people have said to me that the National Trust is part of the government so they are not going to pay. I'm a member because they are largely very much on the side of the angels whereas the oligarchs, gangsters and developers who would grab the land and fence it off are not. 

The National Trust is A Good Thing. You can tell it is because the Tufton Street lot want to destroy it.

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