What waterproof Bluetooth speakers?

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 TMM 24 May 2024

Planning on walking over Crib Goch and on to Mount Snowdow to do the full 'horses shoe' on Monday.

To keep the team motivated I plan on using a Bluetooth speaker to play some tunes. 

What speakers do you recommend that provide a decent sound and some weather resistance?

What are other people using?

 GravitySucks 24 May 2024
In reply to TMM:


 PawelP 24 May 2024
In reply to TMM:

https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/photo/fashion-of-the-1980s-amp-90s-wit... wrapped in a clear bin bag for wow effect

dont think it supports bluetooth though

In reply to TMM:

I'd recommend something smooth-sided and easily insertable to save any discomfort when someone does the right thing.

 Bob Kemp 24 May 2024
In reply to GravitySucks:

Into minus points for the far too obvious ‘Mount Snowdon’ I think.

Edit: just noticed the ‘Snowdow’ too -even worse!

Post edited at 11:13
 CantClimbTom 24 May 2024
In reply to TMM:

You can put them in a very thin plastic bag if water is a concern. Your bigger consideration is the battery life, you'll either need a serious battery or ability to run while plugged onto a power bank, to keep it cranking out the choons at sufficient decibels needed for a group who may be spaced out when you get to the pinnacle section.

Factor in some weather and wind on the ridge and the need to compete with background noise and overpower the constant noise of other walkers shouting angry obscenities at you -- you'll need some serious decibels.

Perhaps an "ICE" system from a car, there's a lot of cars my way have been able to solve the background noise problem with sufficient amplification (in their case defective exhaust and car backfiring every time the throttle is suddenly lifted) You will need a similar approach for enjoying the unspoiled outdoors. 

I suggest an ICE system with a dedicated  amp for the bass tube, pair with a couple of high capacity car batteries, which you team can take turns to carry.


Post edited at 12:19
 Bob Kemp 24 May 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

>Your bigger consideration is the battery life, you'll either need a serious battery or ability to run while plugged onto a power bank, to keep it cranking out the choons at sufficient decibels needed for a group who may be spaced out when you get to the pinnacle section.

Alternatively, keep them off the mushrooms until they get back.

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