What to take to Mexico...?

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 JohnV 23 Jun 2024

Hi all,

I'm moving to Mexico City in August. I'm hoping to climb on the weekends, within driving distance of the city (rather than flying), and I'm wondering what climbing kit to take. Is it mostly sport climbing, or should I also take a trad rack and half-ropes?


 Pina 23 Jun 2024
In reply to JohnV:

It probably depends on where you'll be working and living. Mexico city is enormous and getting to the other side of the city could take a couple of hours before even leaving the city (if you don't get lost in the process...). 

Unfortunately wasn't climbing at the time I lived there but I don't believe there's that many options in the direct vicinity of Mexico city.

 philipivan 24 Jun 2024
In reply to JohnV:

I have done some climbing in Mexico City around 2006, I can't find the details now but it was all bolted and we set off from the city centre. It didn't take too long to get there from what I remember. Went with a local guiding company but once he saw I could climb it was pretty much like a mates trip I just paid for food and petrol for them. 

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