Van insurance cost….rough guide…

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 Abr 16 Jun 2024

Could anyone give me a rough guide that I’d be paying if I get a ban….I'm loathe to give all my details to a compare site etc!

Im 59, 10+years of no claims on my car. Living in a rural village but parking on the road. Ford transit Custom valued at something like £12-14k.

my car….2018 Golf is £290.

social and domestic only…planning a very simple conversion…

Thanks for any guidance…

In reply to Abr:

I'm 40 with 10ish years no claims, live in a village with the van in the road, and it's a semi-converted boxer worth about £6k probably. I pay £450. Or I did last year, I guess it might go up this year.

 jezb1 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

The ban bit confused me 😂

Just enter a few fake details in a comparison site, other people’s insurance can be all over the place in terms of £££

 RobAJones 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

If you get a ban I'd expect your insurance to go up considerably😊

Our insurance for the Vivaro is only  £20 more than for Octavia.

Edit. With similar situation/values to you,  our car insurance in a little cheaper. 

Post edited at 17:57
 Rick Graham 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

Assuming you mean van. Any ban will probably mean an increase of several hundred percent.

I am 71 now with plenty no claims but over the last twenty years both van and car insurance vary between 150 and 300 per year, no logic to it. Thats accepted prices, sometimes get 800ish quotes which I tell them where to go.

OP Abr 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Yep….typo!! I only use my phone….definitely’van’! 😊

 raincloud 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

I paid £360 this year for a vw t5.1 15 plate full camper conversion valued at 30k with 8 years NCB

 James Malloch 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

I’m with brentacre with 10 years no claims on a car. We pay about £500 per year for a boxer.

Brentacre originally told me that if we had a Ford it would be more expensive and there would be a lot of mandatory security needed too. Apparently Ford vans are easy to steal which pushes the prices up.

 Ryan23 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

I was about £350-400 this year for 63 plate transit, self converted and registered as a camper. Suburb of small city, driveway parking, 6ish years ncb. With JustKampers.

Very similar price to my partner's octavia but the octavia does significantly more miles. 

 girlymonkey 16 Jun 2024
In reply to Abr:

I literally just renewed today. The cheapest I found on the comparison sites was £290, but I opted for one which was £375 as I wanted a few extras like a courtesy van if mine was written off etc. 

I am female, 42 years old, living in Mid argyll and 5 years no claims. Oh, and my husband is on as a named driver too. 

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