New Edelrid Mega JUL advice

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 coolbert 20 May 2024

Hello all, does anyone have experience of using the new Edelrid Mega JUL compared to the old one?

Asking specifically if it is any smoother to abseil with? I have the older style and found using it to abseil at the end of the day physically tiring! (might just be my thumb strength/weakness)

Also, if i was looking for smoother rope handling i would normally use a carabiner with a larger/rounder radius, however, as the Mega Jul has a slot machined into it that wedges the ropes between the krab and the front of the device, would a smaller radius biner actually be smoother as it compresses the rope less? Not feeling smart enough to work that out from pictures!

If there are other assisted braking devices that take half ropes please let me know!

Many thanks, in advance.

 TobyA 20 May 2024
In reply to coolbert:

My megajul ( ) is 10 years old, I actually abbed off a route yesterday afternoon with it.

> I have the older style and found using it to abseil at the end of the day physically tiring! (might just be my thumb strength/weakness)

It sounds like you are just using it the wrong way round. Thumb loop down, you need to put a krab in the little hole in the beak of the Jul to use as a release handle. Thumb loop up and it works like any normal ATC style device. I extend it away from harness on a sling and use a french prussik on the belay loop.

 TobyA 20 May 2024
In reply to TobyA: Can't find a photo of my own, but you can see the alternative abseil configuration, extra krab + thumb loop down here:

OP coolbert 20 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Good links ta!

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