New 40m rope.

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 Andy Hay 07 Jul 2024

Looking to get a new 40m sport rope, mainly for outdoor use. Any advice on brand,  price and durability would be really appreciated. 

Many thanks. 

 GrantM 07 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Hay:

Go Outdoors are currently doing a Beal Karma 40m for £45, I bought the 30m version 5 years ago and it's still going strong after indoor & sport use. Not dry treated though if that's an issue.

OP Andy Hay 07 Jul 2024
In reply to GrantM:

Thanks Grant. Five years of use at that price is/would certainly be a good deal. 

Post edited at 13:25
In reply to Andy Hay:

+1 for the Beal Karma..... just bought the 60m for £57 & it's doing well in the Dolomites. Tempted to get another & chop into 35/25m sections for cragging & toproping the grandchildren in the Peak 

OP Andy Hay 08 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

Thanks for that, seems it's a no brainer for a decent rope at a good price. Definitely getting one, thanks for the recommendation folks 

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