Kong Gigi UK

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 Fellover 24 Jul 2024

Does anyone know where you can buy a Kong Gigi in the UK that isn't Amazon?

I've not been able to find anywhere, but maybe I'm bad at googling.

 spenser 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Fellover:


Pretty pricey for avoiding Amazon mind you. 

Trekinn have them and deliver to the UK, but it takes a little while.

 archibaldie 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Fellover:

Rock on in Mile End have it in stock, not sure they’ll post though

 Scarab 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Fellover:

I got mine from trade inn, there always some extra things one might need to justify the delivery from trade inn. Havent used it yet but tested at home, in love with it already as I find myself belaying in guide mode more often than not.

OP Fellover 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Fellover:

Thanks all

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