Is the petzl stuff on amazon legit?

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 ewanjp 17 Jul 2024

Need a new harness (current one is pretty old and buckle has a bit of rust). Like Petzl Corax (what i have at the moment). It's 20 quid cheaper on amazon than most places, but am a bit nervious as there is a fair amount of fake stuff on amazon. Anyone know if the sold by amazon stuff is legit?

 nikoid 17 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

Much better to just buy your stuff from a legit climbing shop. 

 Luke90 17 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

There's probably legit stuff on there, but I wouldn't trust Amazon to notice every time if someone did try to sell fakes. I've read horror stories in the past (not specifically related to climbing gear) of fakes getting mixed in with real stock. So that even when you buy from an Amazon vendor that's legit, if their orders are fulfilled by Amazon their legit stock could get combined with stock of the same product from another dodgy vendor. And then there are question marks over how they handle returns...

For the sake of twenty quid, I'd go with almost any other company, partly for peace of mind and largely just to avoid contributing to a morally bankrupt business model.

 Hooo 17 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

Some reputable sellers use Amazon as a marketplace. I would check the name of the seller and go direct to them. Whenever I've done this I've found pretty much the same deal direct from them. If it's Amazon direct or an unknown seller then I just wouldn't risk it for a safety critical item. 

 phizz4 17 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

Rock and Run have the Corax for £43 at the moment.

 Neil Williams 17 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

Most likely it is, but my bigger concern would be how it was stored, e.g. I doubt they'd care if it ended up dropped in some sort of dodgy liquid.

OP ewanjp 18 Jul 2024
In reply to phizz4:

Ah hadn't checked rock and run. Nice!

In reply to ewanjp:

Buy from a real climbing shop, use them or lose them.

 wintertree 18 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

The killer for me - which I’ve experienced with a product and which made the headlines a few days ago - is that Amazon apparently don’t always check returns before re shipping.  I had a reshipped return where it looked like the first purchaser took the part out and put a cosmetic - but not functional - alternative in before returning.

Then there was this…

Not a sane place to buy or sell life critical kit.

 Dave Baker SP5 18 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

Do not buy climbing equiment from Amazon.

It's just an anecdote, but I have heard that in the amazon warehouse the "same item" from multiple sources is mixed together.  That same item does not distinguish between a legitimate supplier and grey market or worse.

Please buy from a reputable reseller instead.

 wiwwim 18 Jul 2024
In reply to ewanjp:

also worth checking the manufacture date.  Some climbing walls check that your harness is less than 10 yrs old and there may be a reason there are deals on harnesses.


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