Guidebooks in London?!

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 mozzer 19 Jun 2024

Hi all

might be a stupid question… but where in central london can i browse guidebooks?!

there are a few in ellis brigham in covent garden, but i really miss looking through hundreds of guides and picking one out…


 Doug 19 Jun 2024
 Indignancy 20 Jun 2024
In reply to mozzer:

I think your best bet for browsing is Mile End tbh, which might be just about doable in a generous lunch break…

In reply to mozzer:

Stanfords (also in Covent Garden) is a good shout.

In reply to mozzer:

guidebook library in the gramicci store

 Tringa 20 Jun 2024
In reply to mozzer:

I haven't been in Stanfords for a few years now, but if it hasn't changed then if you can't find a guide you want there, it probably doesn't exist.


 mcawle 21 Jun 2024
In reply to mozzer:

The shop at The Castle had a pretty reasonable selection last time I was there, admittedly about a year ago.

 SXPembs 21 Jun 2024
In reply to mozzer:

Rock On at Mile End. Whenever I need a guidebook at shortish notice I call all over London and invariably they have what I'm after even if nobody else does. No idea how they cram so much good stuff into that tiny shop -- it's like the Tardis!

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