Fjallraven keb trousers

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 Dave the Rave 09 Jun 2024


I’’m a big fan of fjallraven trousers, and have worn them daily and for the hills for the last 7 years, the model being Barents pro.

Last week I got quite cold in these on the hills even under waterproof trousers.

Ive been looking at the Keb range but can’t find any temperature ratings for them.

I would be wearing them in the hills on cold days throughout the year.

Im not sure which to buy, the original Keb or the Keb Agile Winter.

Both have venting zips, but are the Winters more for days below zero or are they suitable for spring and autumn.

What is the limit for the original Keb’s? I’ve gone off long johns to boost the ratings of trousers, as it’s not easy to get them off if you get too hot.

Thoughts appreciated 


 VictorM 10 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave:

If the Barents Pro Trousers are too cold for you then the only one to really consider is the Keb Agile Winter Trousers. The original Keb is partly made of G-1000, which is the same stuff as your Barents, plus significant parts in stretch, which is way less wind- and water repellent than the rest. On the upside, it's more flexible, offering more freedom of movement. It's less warm than something like the Barents.

The Keb Agile Winter Trousers is much like a heavy-duty winter softshell trousers, so I think it could be a step in the right direction - I'm just not sure if the difference would be enough. It's basically a thicker version of the original Keb. It would be perfect for alpine, ice climbing and ski touring. 

Ask yourself, what am I doing in the hills? Am I moving fast and through challenging terrain, with short periods of rest in between? If yes, then they might work for you. If no and you're enjoying the hills at a slower pace with longer rests in between, then the only solution is either a base layer underneath or a full on lined winter trousers like the Barents Pro Winter - with the caveat that those things are designed for ice fishers in Swedish winters. 

Also, the reason your legs get cold is often not so much your trousers, but your core being unable to warm up properly and therefore having a hard time pumping warm blood to your extremities. Might be worth it to rethink your winter layering system. 

 DaveHK 10 Jun 2024
In reply to VictorM:

> then the only solution is either a base layer underneath or a full on lined winter trousers like the Barents Pro Winter - 

Or something from another brand. 

There are loads and loads of good softshell options out there. Fjallraven stuff is nice but their adherence to mainly cotton fabrics means they have real limitations.

 VictorM 10 Jun 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

Indeed. I was operating under the assumption that OP was looking for Fjällräven options specifically - but being a Scandi brand first and foremost means their stuff is perfect for dry cold conditions. Not necessarily UK weather.

Just to nitpick though, G-1000 is mostly polyester and only 35% cotton. The Keb Agile Winter is mostly a heavy four-way polyamide stretch, so the cotton argument doesn’t really apply to that one. 

 leon 1 10 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave: I also use Barents almost daily in the Peak however for colder weather I use Haglofs  ' Rugged Standard Pants' (apparently pants is Euro for trousers These see me through autumn + winter in Scotland and there's a nicely hidden zip for venting on the thigh if it gets too warm.

 ianstevens 10 Jun 2024
In reply to VictorM:

I’d disagree with this - Kebs are actually best in warm damp and drizzle than anything else - I also find them a pretty cold option, and will often wear a base layer beneath to mitigate. 

 VictorM 10 Jun 2024
In reply to ianstevens:

The Keb Agile Winter is quite a bit thicker than the other ones though. 

OP Dave the Rave 10 Jun 2024
In reply to VictorM: et al

Thanks Victor

To be fair to the Barents they are getting quite thin now.

It was a pretty unseasonable day on the hills with  windchill to about-5. I have no problems generating heat, and my top half was fine.

I walk steadily and only stop for 5 mins or so per hour.

Ive only seen pictures of the Kebs. Is it a fully soft shell trouser with G1000 reinforcements, or, are the G1000 panels bare underneath.

Im thinking that the winter agile material may be similar to the old Rohan superstrider breeches??

Is it windproof at all?

The Haglifs may be worth a look.



 VictorM 10 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave:

The Keb Trousers are bare G-1000 combined with stretch panelling. The Keb Agile Winter is fully winter-weight softshell with G-1000 reinforcements over knees, pockets and lower legs. 

OP Dave the Rave 10 Jun 2024
In reply to VictorM:

Thanks Victor

I’m going to have a feel of the winter agile kebs if I can find a shop that stocks them. Hopefully the Keswick Nordic Outdoor has them in



 EdS 12 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave:

whats wrong with Tracksters :-} 

 EdS 12 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave:

on a more serious note - if you like that style of trousers have a look at the Keela Heritage trousers

I wear mine throughout the year when working the dog and for walking. Only time I add a thin waterproof overtrouser is in proper rain. Just give then a go over with Fjellraven Greenand wax occational on the main trouser.

OP Dave the Rave 12 Jun 2024
In reply to EdS:

> whats wrong with Tracksters :-} 

Thanks Ed

I wear my ronnies in the house and under the Barents when I know it’s going to be cold. A bugger to take off if it gets too hot though

 EdS 12 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave the Rave:

Been wearing them for 35 years or more.

Keep saying no more.  Keep coming back to them for a lot of stuff

 wittenham 12 Jun 2024
In reply to EdS:

that is an interesting company, I had not heard of them before.  I am in the market for a few things, so will try them.

but what an awkward website, perhaps it is my browser, but i am having trouble looking at the items. 

anyone know how the shirts/base layers fit?  I tend to straddle medium and large, depending on the brand.

Post edited at 15:38

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