Facewest question

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 Ricea 30 Jun 2024

Hi All.

New to the forum. I’m looking at buying a jacket from Facewest.co.uk

Has anyone bought from them recently? There are lots of reviews from years ago, but very few in the last few years.

Thanks in advance!


 Jon Read 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Ricea:

I bought from them in February, and there was no problem.

 H3len 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Ricea:

Used them in May, very efficient.

OP Ricea 30 Jun 2024
In reply to H3len:

Thanks H3len and Jon.

I’ll push the button!



In reply to Ricea:

I have bought from them for many years, they're great

 apache 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Ricea:

I bought a bunch of clothing and gloves from them recently-good prices and service as they posted the goods out to where I live without an issue. Would use them again.

 blackcat 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Ricea:

Bought loads from them  over the years great service every time..

OP Ricea 15 Jul 2024
In reply to blackcat:

Thanks so much for the feedback. I bought the jacket from Facewest,  it arrived and is perfect!

Thanks all!

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