DMM 4CU repairs

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 francois 02 Jun 2024

Hi, I need to repair a DMM 4CU, but could not find a suitable trigger wire and my cam is over 10 years old. Any recommendations or DIY hacks around? I heard of people using nylon fishing style wire, but worried it would not last very long. 

OP francois 02 Jun 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Thanks but my cam is too old for the servicing, so I need an alternative. 

 Andypeak 02 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

I'm not sure 10 year old max is the case anymore. They've certainly re-slung hexes and cams of mine that were over 10 years old. 

In reply to francois:

> Thanks but my cam is too old for the servicing, so I need an alternative. 

Where's it say there's an age limit? I didn't see that.

I had one done recently that I'm pretty sure is older than 10. Admittedly you can't read the serial number any more, but...well, if you have some sandpaper there's one solution.

 CurlyStevo 02 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

DMM have no age limit on servicing metal equipment, Fishing line works too.

OP francois 02 Jun 2024

Thanks, maybe that was the old rule. I'll give it a shot and send it for a service then. 

 CurlyStevo 02 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

first inspect it to make sure its serviceable. It should be fairly obvious if the cams are OK or not

Post edited at 20:36
 CurlyStevo 02 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

In my experience fishing line lasts longer than wire. You need a knot at the trigger bar to stop the line slipping through it, as if that happens the cams can got out of alignment, wire doesn't have this issue as it has a kink that forms.

Post edited at 20:41
 ebdon 02 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

I have used plastic strimmer line on 4cu's after a couple of years it goes brittle and needs replacing but very easy to fit and works totally fine. 

 spenser 02 Jun 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Possibly a post Brexit change, I remember Wild Country required cams to be less than 10 years old when I was at uni looking after club gear, I thought this was a regulatory requirement of some kind at the time.

Post edited at 23:54
In reply to francois:

If DMM and strimmer wire don't work, I've used bike brake cable and attached it to the solid wires with straight through automotive crimp connectors.

 ebdon 03 Jun 2024
In reply to ebdon:

As I'm bored on a Monday morning here's a pic of DIY strimmer cable repair. You can see I've just melted the ends to seal it in. I can confirm I've field tested these plenty and it works fine

 Mattress 07 Jun 2024
In reply to francois:

I recently had some 3CUs reslung by DMM. They were about 20 years old.

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