Budget Rock Empire via ferrata lanyard - catch?

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 jofo 19 May 2024

Am looking for a Via Ferrata set for a trip next month, and have spotted this: https://www.alpinetrek.co.uk/rock-empire-dynago-via-ferrata-set/

It's quite a lot (like, at least 50%) cheaper that most other equivalent lanyards from well-known brands that I can see - even accounting for the breaking system (sewn webbing type).

Am I missing something, is there a catch? 

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

 Andypeak 19 May 2024
In reply to jofo:

I don't know much about Via Ferrata but Rock Empire are a well known (in Europe) and good quality brand so you should have no concerns in terms of quality 

 spenser 19 May 2024
In reply to jofo:

The main difference from the more expensive set sat next to me is that you can get the legs of that one twisted together, some of the more expensive ones have spinners fitted to prevent this. If this will be an issue is down to personal taste.

 Jenny C 19 May 2024
In reply to Andypeak:

Yes a well known and respected brand, but not top end. It will meet all the relevant CE safety standards, but lack the finesse of someone like Petzl.

 Juan S 19 May 2024
In reply to jofo:

Good bit of kit. No catch. I mean, it will catch you if you fall. But it shouldn't: don't fall on via ferratas

OP jofo 20 May 2024

Fantastic - thank you everyone, that was the sense check I needed!

 TobyA 20 May 2024
In reply to jofo:

Maybe they've shot up in price but I'm sure our Edelrid via ferrata sets weren't more than that a few years ago when we bought them. Are they all a lot more expensive now?

 Rampart 21 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

> Are they all a lot more expensive now?

Yup. Comfortably north of three figures, for the fanciest sets these days.

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