Belts under harnesses

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 bpmclimb 17 May 2024

...... are a complete pain, in my experience. As are multiple pockets which lack a really flat profile. Yet we keep hearing the claim that one pair of trousers can be perfect for climbing as well as scrambling and walking. I don't buy it, myself!

 Andypeak 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I have absolutely no issues with a belt under my harness, every single pair of trouser I own is worn with a belt and I really don't notice it when I'm climbing. 

 spenser 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I find that really flat low profile belts are the solution to this, Arcade do some good ones:

I have a bit of a gut so it's possible to get some of the flab caught between the belt and the harness' swami belt.

 Dave Baker SP5 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I literally wear a chalk bag belt AS MY BELT, under my harness, on some pairs of trousers where a thicker belt isn't comfortable.  Try it.

OP bpmclimb 17 May 2024
In reply to Dave Baker SP5:

> I literally wear a chalk bag belt AS MY BELT, under my harness, on some pairs of trousers where a thicker belt isn't comfortable.  Try it.

Never thought of that! Will try.

OP bpmclimb 17 May 2024
In reply to Andypeak:

> I have absolutely no issues with a belt under my harness, every single pair of trouser I own is worn with a belt and I really don't notice it when I'm climbing. 

Yes, I know many climbers would say the same; unfortunately, I'm not one of them - different strokes for different folks, I suppose! I much prefer not to have any extra clutter at the front of or just above the harness. For the same reasons, I never have a lanyard/sling larksfooted to the belay loop, and I've taken to using Yosemite finishes with short tails.

 Robert Durran 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I hate climbing in trousers, let alone ones with pockets that might snag, and climbing with belted trousers sounds like the stuff of nightmares. Its leggings or shorts only for me. Trousers just feel so wrong.

 EdS 17 May 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

good old classic Trackster

Post edited at 14:26
 CantClimbTom 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

One pair can be perfect!

I buy trousers, like some Montane ones, that have a belt with them and elasticy waist, I then don't wear the supplied belt. Simples!

 slawrence1001 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I bought some trousers intended for parkour a year or so ago and they've served me incredibly well. Lovely and stretchy with no bits that get in the way.

Post edited at 14:30
 Hooo 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

Yes, this really annoys me too. What I'd really like is a pair of trousers that I can wear without a belt, but these don't appear to exist in my size.

 owlart 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I usually climb in a pair of Craghoppers Kiwi trousers (often <£10 on Vinted), which have a webbing belt, and I've never had any problems. Very occasionally I might find the belt has come unclipped when I take my harness off, but I've not noticed any ill effects as the harness holds everything up anyway.

 Neil Morrison 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

Ron Hill's?

 LastBoyScout 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

Not had a problem with the really flat belts that came with some of my trousers/shorts (ME / MH / Montane / Calange, for example).

I wouldn't wear my bulky jeans belts under a harness, though.

 Toerag 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

leather belts are rubbish under harnesses, but I can see a fabric one working if the buckle's not too bulky

 girlymonkey 17 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I don't find it a problem with harnesses, but I can get some nasty pinches/ rubs when wearing one with a rucksack with any real weight in it. I just make sure my top is tucked into my trousers waist band to protect my skin

In reply to bpmclimb:

I used to replace a normal belt with a length of 1" wide nylon tape, tied with a tape knot, which would fit comfortably under my harness. This doubled up as an emergency supply of tape for rappels etc. Also, because it was tied properly as a tape sling one could clip into it in extremis (although I don't think I ever actually did that).

 Sam Beaton 18 May 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I had a few dates a few years ago with someone who asked what my favourite clothing brands were and what I liked to climb in. My reply was that I wear stuff to the crag that is too tatty to wear to the office any more. Our different attitudes to money was one of the reasons we didn't have more than a few dates.

I once wore an old nylon safari suit of my dad's to go aid climbing in as a student. That was too tight in all the wrong places to wear whilst climbing a second time.

One of my climbing ambitions is to climb Grey Slab on Glyder Fawr in a tweed suit and smoking a pipe as per the superb photo in Classic Rock.

 nufkin 18 May 2024
In reply to Hooo:

> What I'd really like is a pair of trousers that I can wear without a belt

Surely if you're wearing a harness a belt is redundant anyway? 

 Lankyman 18 May 2024
In reply to Neil Morrison:

> Ron Hill's?

The classic solution to many of life's trouser issues

 Andypeak 18 May 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

Unless your problem is "where am I going to put my phone?" I really wish they made them with a pocket.

 Robert Durran 18 May 2024
In reply to nufkin

> Surely if you're wearing a harness a belt is redundant anyway? 

A belt is redundant if you are wearing trousers with an elasticated waist suited to climbing in. Why anyone would wear trousers which need a belt to climb in is beyond me.

In reply to Robert Durran:

I think it was so that my trousers would have belt after I had taken my harness off, without the need for faffing about putting a belt on. (I've always felt somewhat more comfortable with a belt than an elasticated waist; don't know why.)

 jezb1 21 May 2024
In reply to Robert Durran:

> In reply to nufkin

> A belt is redundant if you are wearing trousers with an elasticated waist suited to climbing in. Why anyone would wear trousers which need a belt to climb in is beyond me.

I’ve worn trousers that need a belt climbing for the last 20 years, never knew it was a problem until this thread 😂

 Hooo 21 May 2024
In reply to nufkin:

I didn't mean just for climbing, I meant just trousers in general. I'd like my everyday trousers to just fit me and not fall down without the assistance of a belt.

 Derek Furze 21 May 2024
In reply to Sam Beaton:

Only seen it once, but in 1975 I was climbing on the Grochan in the then de rigeur jeans, when a guy rocked up in a suit and tie and proceeded to lead Hangover.  It can be done. 🙂

 oldie 16 Jun 2024
In reply to bpmclimb:

I've recently been using soft approx half inch pyjama tape (polyester?) from a haberdashery tied with a half bow and tucked out of the way. Doesn't seem to slip. I like at least a small zip pocket for cash etc.

Post edited at 20:17

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