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 DaveHK 10 Dec 2023

If you have one of these in the Golden Dry version would you mind looking to see whether it says that on the plastic ends?

I thought I'd bought the dry version but it doesn't say so on the ends where my iceline does. It's a few years old and I can't find the email receipt. 


 MischaHY 10 Dec 2023
In reply to DaveHK:

Yeah it’s always marked. After a few years though you’ll have no chance of exchange unfortunately. 

OP DaveHK 10 Dec 2023
In reply to MischaHY:

> Yeah it’s always marked. After a few years though you’ll have no chance of exchange unfortunately.


Its possible that the untreated ones were on a really good deal so I decided to get one, I can't actually remember!

Post edited at 22:19
 Jon Read 10 Dec 2023
In reply to DaveHK:

You may still have the email confirmation you can check, if an online purchase?

OP DaveHK 10 Dec 2023
In reply to Jon Read:

> You may still have the email confirmation you can check, if an online purchase?

I logged in to my account with the shop and the link in the my orders bit takes me to the Golden Dry version. I'll maybe send them an email, it's possible that I ordered an untreated one but I can't think why I would have as I've always gone for dry ropes even for summer use as this mainly was.

 cacheson 10 Dec 2023
In reply to DaveHK:

When I bought mine (a few years ago), the colours were slightly different for the Golden dry vs dry cover. The golden dry had a light tone and darker tone in the sheath, and the dry cover was one tone throughout. Not sure if that's still the case. I don't think they do a completely untreated version.

 Steve Woollard 11 Dec 2023
In reply to DaveHK:

Mine are about 5 years old and says Golden Dry

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