Are Phantom 8000 Thermic HD boots TTS?

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 Matej 29 Jun 2024

Hey, I am choosing my 8k boots for Manaslu. The selection is quite bad as I just found two major ones - La Sportiva Olympus Mons and PHANTOM 8000 THERMIC HD . My feet is wide so I always prefer Scarpa shoes but does anyone have the experience with the latest Phantom 8000 Thermic HD boots? Are they true to size? My normal shoe size is 45 EU. 

Post edited at 14:16
 crayefish 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Matej:

Surely before such a big investment you'd go to a shop and try them on???

OP Matej 29 Jun 2024
In reply to crayefish: Hey, in Europe most of mountaineering shops have only La Sportiva Olympus Mons which are very narrow to me. I have not set seen any in stock of stores in Poland, Czech Republic or Germany … I even called the distributor in my country (Czech Republic) to bring them in and they told me they are too expensive for that. 

 crayefish 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Matej:

Then either you have to fly somewhere to try (perhaps on an existing travel plan), or order 2-3 sizes online (Bergfreunde?) and return the other pairs at the cost of shipping.

 apache 30 Jul 2024
In reply to Matej:

You could speak to Adventure Peaks. I recently ordered a pair of La Sportiva G2s online. I traced the outlines of both feet ( in the sock combo which I would be wearing), onto squared paper, measured the maximum length and width dimensions and put a scale up the side of the paper, scanned and emailed the images at true scale. A short discussion by email over sizing and how to get the boots to where I live ( outside Europe). Boots turned up and fitted very well. No issues once broken in and adjusted to my feet

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