A shout out for Needlesports

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 sjminfife 16 Jun 2024

A big shout out for Needlesports. They went out of their way to identify a 10p washer to fix my Whisperlite stove.

I have only ever had great service from this shop but this was really above and beyond.


 Tom Guitarist 16 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

Yep always had top service in there myself. Great shop and great people.

 dgbryan 17 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

yep .... lost the retaining clip on a large camalot & they sourced one for me from somewhere in Europe! Just waiting for me to place an order so they can send it together with.  Excellent service.

 johnlc 17 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

Yep, definitely my favourite shop.

 climberchristy 18 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

Agreed - a superb shop staffed by really friendly and knowledgeable people. My favourite outdoor shop by far. 

 Root1 18 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

Definitely the best shop for gear. Their prices are competitive too.

OP sjminfife 18 Jun 2024
In reply to sjminfife:

The washers arrived today and the stove is saved to make a brew another day.

In reply to sjminfife:

Yup - I've only ever had excellent service from Needlesports, above and beyond what could reasonably be expected on the occasional occasion that I've had a problem. Truly excellent shop and staff.

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