Wanted: Wanted, original 5.10 anasazi VCS UK 6.5/7

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 Brannock (user since 14/Feb/09) 19 Jul 2024


The original 5.10 brown anasazi fit my feet better than anything currently on the market, looking to buy size UK 6.5 or 7. Not too fussed about condition as I'd get them resoled anyway. Could collect from around Sheffield or happy to pay for postage. 

On the off chance anyone has 5.10 Galileo in UK 7  I'd be delighted to take them.



 petegunn 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Brannock:

If you dont have any luck finding any, I recommend trying the Unparallel Up Rise VCS as it's the same fit for me as the old anasazi. 👍

I was a big fan of 5.10 for years and now use quite a few of the Unparallel range as they fit my feet very well, I dont get on with Scarpa or Sportiva. Tenaya are ok though.

Post edited at 23:27

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