Wanted: Anston Stones Guide

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 teapot (user since 20/Jul/06) 12 Jul 2024

I am after a copy of this guide so if someone has a copy that they have not used and don't expect to use then I would be happy to give it a new home.

Out of print so happy to pay a little above retail price, but not a silly price as it's a small area and not that desperate, but would appreciate a copy. 

 jackholcombe 12 Jul 2024
In reply to teapot:

If you cant get hold of a physical copy I can email you the PDF if that helps 

 ro8x 12 Jul 2024
In reply to jackholcombe:

If you could send me it over that would be great. I’ll PM you to start the convo off. 

 Mark Stevenson 14 Jul 2024
In reply to teapot:

I've been looking for a physical copy of this for years, as yet unsuccessfully.

Not sure why copies seem to be so rare compared to other guidebooks...

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