FS: Tenaya tarifa size UK8

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 JD84 (user since 03/Oct/09) 01 Jul 2024
Price: £25.00

Tenaya tarifa for sale. Too small for me. Had them a few years but didn't wear them much. Grubby but in very good nick. No laces. Based in Sheffield S8. Can't seem to upload a photo so message me for further details, ta.

OP JD84 01 Jul 2024
In reply to JD84:

Meant to add... Collection only

 garethb 20 Jul 2024
In reply to JD84:

Sent u a message re these, if they’re still available. 

 chungsiang.ho 20 Jul 2024
In reply to garethb:

I'd like to receive a DM if it's still available, might work out have a good offer

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