FREE: Freestanding fingerboard mount + resin board

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 joeramsay (user since 18/Nov/15) 24 Jul 2024

Getting rid of my freestanding fingerboard stand, built similarly to the one at 101 but a little more rough and ready. Included is a Metolius Project board, a Crusher fingerboard mount (which forms part of the stand) and the stand itself. It is dismantled and fairly easy to put back together, but you will need a couple of M6 threaded rods (inexpensive from Screwfix). It's 2.2m tall, and has a footprint of about 1.2x0.84m. Message for pictures if you are interested - it's quite large and a bit ugly, so wouldn't recommend putting it pride-of-place in your living room, but it's a good sturdy beast if you are renting or your walls aren't suitable for a board. Would rather collection from Hebden Bridge, but could deliver within a reasonable distance if needs be.

In reply to joeramsay:

It's this really free or did you mess up the listing?

OP joeramsay 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

Thanks for checking, it is free - I posted it a few months ago and noone wanted it, but I really want it gone and feel sad about taking it to the tip

 wawbanks 27 Jul 2024
In reply to joeramsay:

Hey Joe, I’ve dropped you an email. Definitely interested!

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