Zermatt/Valais conditons

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 pec 29 May 2024

Started this thread in the ski forum


but it occurs to me that a lot if people may not see the ski forum so widening it to the Alpine forum.

Anyone have any info on climbing conditions in the Zermatt/Valais area?


 Dawes of Time 31 May 2024
In reply to pec:

Mate who was skiing there last weekend. Went up Dufouspitze. Snow conditions he reports as: thin icy layer on top, but once broken very very soft underneath. Pretty hellish. Thinks in 2-3 weeks the alpine season will start proper. Although with the current weather I doubt it... 

OP pec 01 Jun 2024
In reply to Dawes of Time:

Thanks for the info. Doesn't sound great! If I go up to Monta Rosa it will probably be later next week, so 2 weeks after your mate. It's supposed to be getting a bit sunnier and warmer so hopefully that will consolidate things a bit.

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