Triglav Winter conditions

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 balandino_dd 07 Jun 2024

Hi all,

I'll be in the Triglav area for the first time from 16th till 21st June. Is there anyone else around there?
There is still quite some snow and peaks will be in winter conditions. Any advice? I'll be on my own. Would you recommend it be better to be roped up with someone when up there?


In reply to balandino_dd:

I'm sorry I cant answer your question but following with great interest as heading out there next week. Also first time. 

I'd be super grateful for a conditions report please. Crampons, ice axes needed? Looks like its had a recent dumping of snow!

Thanks in advance


In reply to balandino_dd:

Jees, I thought were asking for next winter! 

This must be one of the oser beams for triglav, and only 1800m!

Looks about as deep and snowy as it was in February! 

 leon 1 19 Jun 2024
In reply to Alasdair Fulton: Errrr thats probably because the pic in the link was taken on 15 th Jan 

 Toerag 19 Jun 2024
In reply to balandino_dd:

A walker fell off it and died the week I was there in September a few years ago due to early autumn snow which fell down to 2000m. I'd advise you to consider it as winter and carry axe/crampons/winter skills.

In reply to leon 1:

Ah.  Didn't spot that    Hahaha. Woops

OP balandino_dd 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Alasdair Fulton:  leon 1: garethjackwright:

Apologies for the pointless late answer. I didn't receive many messages before leaving for the hut, and the internet connection was very poor at the hut. I did the Slovenska smer (III), which 100% crampons and ice axe needed.

I saw people going up in trainers (I couldn't believe it). The same ones turned back at the first few snow patches. There are places were a slip is fatal, regardles the route really. There are very steep terrain even in the easier routes i.e. Tomasinki Prag Route (aka Cez Prag) (VF3A).

I hope you all had a great time.

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