Meteora - finding partners out there

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 fuzzysheep01 11 Jul 2024

Anyone had any experience meeting other climbers etc. in or around Meteora, Greece? I'm going to be passing through solo later in the year and it seems rude not to get some climbing in.

I'm aware it's a bit less of a hub than Kalymnos etc. so less chance of rocking up and meeting some other climbers in the bar etc.

Any advice welcome.

 Godwin 11 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

Often climbing areas have Facebook groups, in fact travellers in general have Facebook groups, that would be where I would be looking.

OP fuzzysheep01 11 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

Aye cheers, nae such group for Meteora, but in the absence of anything else I guess the group for the whole of Greece might have to do.

 Chris Craggs Global Crag Moderator 11 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

> I'm aware it's a bit less of a hub than Kalymnos etc. so less chance of rocking up and meeting some other climbers in the bar etc.

From my experience, Meteora is about as far removed from the Kalymnos experience as you could imagine. We had several days there a few years back and only saw one other team,


 James Harker 11 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

I was there in April. I couldn't find any guide company that would do any climbing on the pillars and I didn't see a single person climbing on them (and I was there for a week). I'm not sure if it's frowned upon now perhaps? There's loads of amazing crags nearby tho..

OP fuzzysheep01 12 Jul 2024
In reply to James Harker:

That's good to know, thanks James.

OP fuzzysheep01 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Chris Craggs:

Thanks Chris. Aye it seems like it's maybe even a bit niche for finding local climbers out there.

Cheers for the reply.

In reply to fuzzysheep01:

We were there last Autumn, we saw a couple of other teams climbing but it was generally very quiet. Finding partners would be tricky, but worthwhile as the climbing is unique. 

 Georgert 12 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

Pick me up at Athens? 

OP fuzzysheep01 13 Jul 2024
In reply to Georgert:

Done. Send flight details.

 James Harker 15 Jul 2024
In reply to fuzzysheep01:

Now I'm thinking I should have just come on UKC to get a partner! Damn it! Have fun, the climbing looks like it would be absolutely epic. 

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