Mayrhofen B2 hire

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 itsLiamFleming 03 Jun 2024

Hi all,

Myself and a party of two other enthusiastic hikers (my wife and a friend)are going to be staying in Mayrhofen in early July. 

I've got previous alpine experience on easy terrain but the others are mostly familiar with british scrambling terrain. 

As part of the trip, we've got a guide to give us a nice easy alpine tour in glaciated terrain for the day and as such will need crampon compatible boots. Me and my wife both own B2s already (for winter) but the friend only owns trekking boots that'll not take a crampon.

Understandably, for a day tour, he doesn't want to buy a pair of B2s for something he may well not do again and as such wants to know whether he can hire the boots in town (the guide doesn't offer boot hire)?

Otherwise what would a good alternative be? My main concern with online hire is the fit being rather miserable. 

 Fiona Reid 03 Jun 2024
In reply to itsLiamFleming:

Perhaps ask the guide you've booked with if they can advise re hiring kit out there? 

With Google I managed to find a few guiding companies hiring out crampons and axes for ice climbing etc but haven't spied any offering the boots too. 

Post edited at 21:53

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