Matterhorn conditions July 2024

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 Chris Willocks 19 Jul 2024

Hi folks wondering if anyone has ascended the Matterhorn yet this year and what conditions were like? 

 Mark Haward 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Chris Willocks:

Hi. Two weeks ago there was a lot of snow but obviously things will have changed. When judging Matterhorn conditions I've found this site combined with a webcam view and forecast quite useful:

 gav p 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Chris Willocks:

Conditions now reported as ideal.

In reply to Mark Haward:


 Robhendrix83 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Chris Willocks:

Been yesterday with one of the guides from Exped Tribe Switzerland and we were able to summit (even if a little late during the day due to plenty of slow parties). Conditions are ideal at the moment and should stay like this for the next days ahead, even a little of snowfall is expected today. Hope it helps & safe climbs!

 New Max 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Chris Willocks:

When are you heading out. We are planning an ascent on Thursday the 1st of August. 

Meteo Swiss is reporting okay conditions from then until now. 

In reply to Robhendrix83:

Nice work!

In reply to New Max:

We’re aiming for Thursday the 1st too! Hoping the weather holds out. 

In reply to Chris Willocks:

If you haven’t set out yet it leaves very little/perhaps not enough time for acclimatisation.

In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

Thanks I’ve been climbing in chamonix all week.

In reply to Chris Willocks:

Sounds ideal. All the best on Thursday - please report back.

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