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 rodw 05 Jun 2024

I intend going to the Dolomites in 2 weeks time would like to do Marmalada via west ridge I can’t find any information re Pian dei Fiacconi lift if it’s open or not has anyone got up to date information please

 beardy mike 05 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

No it's been disassembled I'm afraid. The hut at Pian Fiacconi has also been destroyed by avalanche, so walking from the road is the only option these days, no overnight the evening before.

 Brass Nipples 05 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

> No it's been disassembled I'm afraid.


That’s a shame. What year did they dismantle it.

 duchessofmalfi 05 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

The old shopping trolley lift? gone? that's sad - it was fab!

 Kean 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Brass Nipples:

> That’s a shame. What year did they dismantle it.

2019...yes quite sad...running along to jump on it and travelling standing up was quite the ride!

 Kean 06 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

> I intend going to the Dolomites in 2 weeks time would like to do Marmalada via west ridge I can’t find any information re Pian dei Fiacconi lift if it’s open or not has anyone got up to date information please

Not quite sure if you mean the via ferrata but it's been a stonking year for snow in the Dolomites and anything that's not south facing is still pretty much submerged. That includes the summit hut on Punta Penia. This is a video of the warden trying to clear the snow...with a chainsaw! It's a couple of weeks old now but the snow situation hasn't changed much.

 beardy mike 06 Jun 2024
In reply to Brass Nipples:

Think it's been 3 or 4 now? The hut getting eradicated was quite the blow too. And then the serac collapse...

 Spready 07 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

Last July, it appeared that most people heading up to Punta Penia West Ridge were slogging up the old access road roughly under where the lift was during late afternoon (hot!). They were then bivvying/camping on the smaller glacier to the right of Marmolada before heading up the west Ridge the next day.


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