looking for buddy doing 4000er in zermatt area

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 riricky815 02 Jul 2024

hi everyone I'm planning to go to zermatt in early August to bag some technical easier 4000er,planning Lagginhorn,Weissmies,Breithorn,Allalinhorn

will there be anyone thinking of doing them as well?cheers


 McHeath 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

Tip: write a bit about yourself and previous (alpine) experience in your profile, you’ll get more answers

Have a good time!

 JLS 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

Due to the flooding the area is currently looking like a disaster zone. I not 100% sure it'll all be back to normal in a month...

OP riricky815 02 Jul 2024
In reply to McHeath:

hi mate you are right

hi everyone I am Ricky. experience wise in uk :I have joined a local club and have been following them hiking climbing in summer and winter (winter scrambling)

done some grade 1 winter route

trad leading climbing at vd to s level ,sport lead and bouldering at 6b+ to 7a level

done a winter skill course ,roped scrambling course ,ice climbing(beginner) course,self rescue course

trekking on some 3000m+ mountain oversea before moving to uk

also done a guide tour on cosmique arete last year in chamonix

looking for buddy to do the abovementioned easier 4000m

OP riricky815 02 Jul 2024
In reply to JLS:

I have been following the news of flooding.seems in sass fee area ,serious rock fall and landslide occurred few days ago

how do I know more info up on the mountain range not just in the village?cheers

 Toerag 02 Jul 2024
In reply to JLS:

> Due to the flooding the area is currently looking like a disaster zone. I not 100% sure it'll all be back to normal in a month...

Gran Paradiso area's not much different, this in Noasca just to the south.  Multiple villages are cut off due to the valley road being cut off / washed away


 Toerag 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

> how do I know more info up on the mountain range not just in the village?cheers

Ask the local mountain guides office

 McHeath 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

+41279574464 is the Saas Fee guides‘ office, there‘ll be someone there who speaks English. Wouldn‘t ring them before the end of July though, they‘ve got major other problems at the moment 

 Duncan Beard 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

Hi Ricky

A mate & I were planning on similar (camp at Saas Grund) to bag 4000m, we've had a couple of previous trips to Ecrins on Facile routes to 3700m & some of Scottish winter, Cuillin ridge etc. Hoping to go 24th August til 8th September. Pretty much same objectives, if you want to delay your trip. Party of 3 works well for glacier crossing & we won't be doing hard climbing.


OP riricky815 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Duncan Beard:

Hi mate,good to know you have similar plan,do you have telegram or instagram so we can have a chat,cheers!

 streapadair 02 Jul 2024
In reply to riricky815:

Being pathologically solitary and friendless, I've climbed 14 4000m alpine peaks alone, including the 4 you've mentioned, some several times.

I'm not saying do as I do, just intimating that it is possible.

OP riricky815 02 Jul 2024
In reply to streapadair:

hi mate intereseed to know which 14 have you done?!

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