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 rodw 16 Jun 2024

Of to Corvara in the Dolomites tomorrow for a week doing Piz Boe Sassonger etc not sure if I need axe and crampons any advice please

 beardy mike 16 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

I would say so. There is extensive snow above 2300m especially on northern facing slopes. Or at the very minimum microspikes and poles.

Google the passo Gardena webcam and you'll see what I mean.

Post edited at 19:44
 beardy mike 17 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

For reference, I just picked up on a post by a weather channel.  Two photos,  first from 15 June last year, second from 15th June this year..

 bobpilgrem 17 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

I'm in Dolomites at the moment.

Definitely pack crampons or spikes.

I have left 3 pairs at home and am going to have to buy a pair locally.

 bobpilgrem 17 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

Most people using poles 

( no one with axes)

Have fun

 C Rettiw 17 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

With apologies for highjacking the OP, how are the conditions at the moment for rock climbing, e.g. on the Tofane, Falzarego Pass, etc.? I understand that it's been a cold, wet year so far?

 Kean 17 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

Still very snowy on anything that's not south. This is the webcam sited at 5 Torri which gives you an excellent view of what the south faces are like from Sass d'Istria all the way round to Tofane di Rozes. I ascended the NE (normal route) of Tofane di Rozes on skis just over a week ago, which is insane for June! The south-facing "pillar" routes were clear but I think you have to descend the normal route and there was still wet-snow avalanche risk a week ago. One south-facing gulley was spewing avalanche debris constantly from 8.30!

Post edited at 11:34
 beardy mike 17 Jun 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

Sorry I don't know as I'm not there. But I suspect suboptimal. As ever you'd need to think on your feet a bit - it's been cold, so I'd expect there to be snow on larger ledges at altitude, possibly ice in cracks where the sun doesn't get to the rock etc. It'll be a more alpine experience than normal...

 Spready 17 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

Piz Boe still looks very white - Looks Ace!!

 C Rettiw 17 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

Thanks Mike, that's helpful already.

 C Rettiw 18 Jun 2024
In reply to Kean:

Thanks for posting this webcam link - its really helpful!

 beardy mike 18 Jun 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

Which route are you planning on for Tofana?

 C Rettiw 18 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

I walked under Pimo Spigolo on Tofana di Rozes in 2016 and said: "next year, I'm going to come back and climb that!" But, I never did. It would be a dream to manage an ascent. I can see from the Cinque Torri webcam that there are still patches of snow on the Tofane, though, so... we'll have to see. I have two weeks in Mantova visiting family before heading to the Dolomiti for a week, so hopefully good climbing conditions will arrive. If not, a week of hiking and eating good food will hardly be a chore! But, unfortunately, I think adding the weight of crampons, an axe and mountain boots to my rack and rope will push me well over 20kg!

 beardy mike 18 Jun 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

It's a good route. The pitch after the traverse which climbs a yellow friable pillar is quite tough, but mostly good solid rock and good climbing. The bottom I'm betting you won't have any snow, or very little. I can't imagine you'd have iced cracks as it catches the sun pretty much all day long. The top is where it might get a little spicy as the descent route climbs around some pretty exposed ledges. Maybe pack some microspikes? Can't imagine you'd need more than that...

 RX-78 18 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw: we are doing the alta via I at the moment this photo is from today, around 2500m high 

 C Rettiw 23 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

Thanks again for the info Mike. One last question: which weather forecast service have you (and others) found most reliable for the area?


 beardy mike 23 Jun 2024
In reply to C Rettiw:

Arpav is OK, but quite honestly it's so local I don't hold massive faith in it unless it seems like a cast in stone forecast. I work on the basis that if it's over 22 degrees in the valley by 10am there's a fair to middling chance of rain or a storm later on...

 Casper768 23 Jun 2024
In reply to rodw:

I was going there Tues, but due to recent weather off to the south of France.

 C Rettiw 24 Jun 2024
In reply to beardy mike:

Thanks Good advice!

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