Cash in Switzerland

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 Logibear 26 Jun 2024

Planning some alpine mountaineering in Switzerland; loads of plans around hut to hut. Recent experience at popular huts all worked with card payments, but conscious I’ll be visiting more remote huts.

Trying to work out if I need to be carrying loads of cash or whether plastic works throughout? Advice appreciated…

 rlrs 26 Jun 2024
In reply to Logibear:

Try SAC website, contact individual huts by email even, in English is probably ok.

 freeflyer 27 Jun 2024
In reply to Logibear:

You should probably take some francs to be safe. Plastic usually works obviously but they aren't very used to it in the Valais, for example. Contacting huts you want to visit makes a lot of sense; Google Translate / High German is your friend.

 streapadair 27 Jun 2024
In reply to Logibear:

A few CHF25/50/100 notes in a waistbelt wouldn't be noticeable burden.

 chiroshi 27 Jun 2024
In reply to streapadair:

Why stop at 100CHF? Just take 1 x 1000CHF and call it good. 

Most will now accept some form of electronic payment. In Switzerland we use Twint more than Apple pay etc, but I can't remember the last hut I went to that was cash only. 

But also second the suggestion to just send them an email or call before. I would be surprised if you found a SAC hut guardian that won't speak English on the phone. 

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