Cabled paths - horizontal sections

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 d.leedham 14 Jun 2024

Hopefully walking the Karnisch Hoheneweg later this year. Wondering if is worth taking some kind of via ferrata kit or at a minimum, a belt sling and Karabiner for the horizontal cabled sections (obviously not for use on ladder sections or anything vertical)

 Toerag 14 Jun 2024
In reply to d.leedham:

If it's like the rest of the alps, there'll be loads of more dangerous sections without cables. 🙄 It always amazes me that there'll be some dodgy, chossy section of steep gravel path that's completely unprotected, yet a nice bit of solid rock scramble is.  I'd not heard of that route before, looks good

OP d.leedham 25 Jun 2024
In reply to Toerag:


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