Alpine Conditions Reports - Chamonix and western alps

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 Webster 26 Jun 2024

Hi, this winter i created a weekly snow report which turned out to be very popular, and by demand i am going to continue this through the summer as an Alpine Conditions report. Unlike in winter these will not strictly be weekly, but any time there is anything important to report in terms of conditions i will be sure to keep everybody informed!

I am based in Chamonix, so the route specific information will be centered here, but the overall conditions will apply to the wider western alps, and any time i venture further afield i will include that too. i expect to be climbing in Italy and the Valais areas fairly regularly as well.

You can find the playlist here:

only 2 videos so far but now that i am back in the alps full time you can expect things to pick up again.

 OG 26 Jun 2024
In reply to Webster:

Thank you, this is incredibly useful. It's so good to be able to see some of what you're talking about as well hear the words (if you know what I mean).

OP Webster 15 Jul 2024
 Tib 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Webster:

Thank you these are really useful. Going to Vanoise area in a few weeks obviously not as high as Chamonix what height are you encountering the snowfields? Vanoise is high 3000metre nothing quite 4000m. Cheers 

 BruceM 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Tib:

In the Ag. Rouges in Chamonix, the snow is pretty solid from Lac Blanc upwards if you know that. So about 2400m ish. Great for the knees on descent.

Same for above Albert Prem. Refuge at Tour. But it is warm, so slowly on the way out.

 Tib 15 Jul 2024
In reply to BruceM:

Great thank you!

 joe245 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Webster:

Great video, very helpful. Thank you.

OP Webster 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Tib:

as above, there is still some snow down to 2000m ish, and lots above 2400m

OP Webster 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Webster:

Here is my latest report. its heating up fast now!

OP Webster 09 Aug 2024
In reply to Webster:

A quick update, stay safe out there in the heat!

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