Tryfan in the Acolyte

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 Adam Lucas 12 Jun 2024

Went up Grooved Arête on Tryfan this morning and when me and my climbing partner got home we watched the latest episode of star wars the acolyte. We thought we were going crazy at first thinking the village was edited onto Tryfan, but at the end of the episode you can clearly see Llyn Bochlwyd and Llyn Ogwen in the background so it's definitely Tryfan.

 cassaela 12 Jun 2024

Timestamp please? I want to see!

 ben b 14 Jun 2024
In reply to cassaela:

Episode 3; I think Brandok at 1:25 is the first Yr Eryri scene and it looks like the Pass with the road removed rather than the lower Afon Ogwen (I did wonder if it was up above Braich ty Du though). My recollection of that hillside was a lot of scree and heather though. 

I didn’t recognise the dam at 4.23, but seconds later the west face of Tryfan appears complete with a bunch of fir trees on Milestone Buttress (could be handy, clearly there are no goats on Brandok….) and Bristly Ridge in profile to the right. It’s more close up at 11:25, followed by a view from somewhere towards the top of Bristly looking down the Ogwen valley. Dusky versions at 12:40 and 29:20. 

Anyone got ideas about 24:30? Or the dam, which should be pretty obvious from the stonework? 
yours nerdily,


Post edited at 02:58

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