The Fall Guy

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 veteye 15 Jun 2024

The Fall Guy is on at my local arts centre this afternoon, and I'm wondering whether to go and see it.

What are people's evaluation of it? 2 stars, 4 stars or?

 Blue Straggler 15 Jun 2024
In reply to veteye:

Disappointing, after a promising trailer. It was an adequate way to idle away a couple of hours one evening but there was nothing standout about it, I thought it was going to be smart, clever, and funny with an over the top serpentine plot like a Shane Black film but it played more like a significantly weaker version of a Shane Black film with a very straightforward plot. Not that one should attack a David Leitch film for plot simplicity, admittedly. It looks good and the performances are spirited but when the most memorable bits are Aaron Taylor-Johnson's Post-It notes, something's up. There's a particularly clunky dialogue scene fairly early on where Emily Blunt is saddled with trying to make movie making into a metaphor for a relationship, and it falls quite flat. I'd bet on Inside Out 2 being much better if you are just looking for a film for the afternoon. 

I am off to see a 40th anniversary screening of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock this evening. 

Post edited at 08:57
 Welsh Kate 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

"I am off to see a 40th anniversary screening of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock this evening. "

Enjoy. Not the best of the bunch, but a few gloriously memorable lines, and Christopher Lloyd great hamming it up in Klingon prosthetics!

OP veteye 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

Thank you for that. I'm now less likely to go, and may possibly either catch up on some work, or totally alternatively head to London, to see my aged friend, whom I 've not seen for 7 or 8 months. The problem is catching him when he's around and not at the British Film Institute!....

 Blue Straggler 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Welsh Kate:

I am just going for Shatner in his wannabe RSC phase

"My God, Bones. What. Have. I. DONE"

In reply to veteye:

A one-star movie. A real mess, not at all memorable, and only fleetingly entertaining.

 aln 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Blue Straggler:

> There's a particularly clunky dialogue scene fairly early on where Emily Blunt is saddled with trying to make movie making into a metaphor for a relationship, and it falls quite flat.

Oh dear that scene made me squirm. It could've been great if it had been written better. But I quite enjoyed Blunts character using it as an excuse to repeatedly throw Gosling into a rock. That might be reflective of my opinion of Gosling as an actor.

Post edited at 23:36

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