Doctor Who climbing location

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 Duncan Bourne 26 May 2024

Watched 73 yards last night and just trying to pinpoint where the Tardis landed. I am thinking either Skomar Towers or Lydstep point (though they seem to be over Skomar arch) views of Giltar Slabs too. Trying to spot which climbs can be seen

 FactorXXX 26 May 2024
In reply to Duncan Bourne:

Bloody van lifers get everywhere...

 kevin stephens 26 May 2024
In reply to Duncan Bourne:

I’ve only seem the first dire episode so far, I really hope it’s improved? As to location I’m assuming somewhere not to far from where all the film crew trucks can park up?

OP Duncan Bourne 26 May 2024
In reply to Paul at work:

Yeah. I thought somewhere around there.

Best episode so far. They do seem to be improving

OP Duncan Bourne 26 May 2024
In reply to Paul at work:

Nailed it! Lone Buttress, Beck's Bay.

Google maps showed me the way

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