60’s music

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 kevin stephens 19 Jul 2024

Chilling out at our van camp Northern Shetlands watching the sun go down (very slowly) prior to a sea kayak trip tomorrow listening to Tony Blackburn sounds of ‘60s on BBC sounds R2.

It’s actually very good having been dismissive of it during my late Prog Rock and early punk teens. I reckon the ‘60s music will stand the test of time, unlike the forgettable music of recent decades <old man rant/off>

 Abr 19 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

I’m with you on that and lately have been listening to Absolute Radio 60’s or 70’s on the way to and from work.

I have a great memory of sleeping out at Muckle Flugga one January the night after Up Hellya….may have been around 2006 and listening to Deep Purple whilst topping up on the night before! Shetland is a great place….must go back…

In reply to Abr:

Blimy that must have been a long night!

 aln 20 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

No, you're just old. In 60 years time some other old codger will be saying the same thing about today's musicm

In reply to aln: today people can’t even remember last year’s music

 Clarence 21 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

I'm not seeing much love for 90s music apart from some dance stuff and there isn't a big following for 80s outside synthpop and some classic metal. Without a popular defining musical tribe I don't think much C21st music will stand the test of time. The 60s seem to have fans in most genres, pop, rock, easy listening, TV themes etc.

 Tony Buckley 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Clarence:

> I'm not seeing much love for 90s music apart from some dance stuff

Er, Oasis, Blur and Pulp, to name the first three bands to come to mind all have their fans.  Suede and the Manic Street Preachers are still touring and selling out.  Crowded House similarly.

I suspect you just aren't seeing what's out there, or are enjoying conformation bias.  None of the acts mentioned are ones that groove my truffles but I can't deny either their popularity or longevity.


 afx22 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Clarence:

Are you kidding?

80’s - Stone Roses, New Order, The Smiths, Madchester, Madonna, Hip Hop, Acid House, Electro?  

90’s - Britpop, Oasis, Blur, Techno, Nirvana, Aphex Twin, Trance?

There was tons of great indie, pop and electronic music from both decades.  I’m not saying there were better than other decade but there endless amounts of amazing music.

 aln 22 Jul 2024
In reply to kevin stephens:

> today people can’t even remember last year’s music

They can. You can't! 😃

 Timmd 22 Jul 2024
In reply to aln:

> No, you're just old. In 60 years time some other old codger will be saying the same thing about today's musicm

I dunno about that, I grew up in a household full of music being played, with my parents playing 'classic 60's music', and older brothers who played music which came after, and I think there was something about the cultural changes which happened during the 60's, in people embracing new ways of living and expressing themselves, their agency to live, which came through in the music of the time, that there was a vibrancy to it.

Post edited at 01:14
 Timmd 22 Jul 2024
In reply to afx22:

> Are you kidding?

> 80’s - Stone Roses, New Order, The Smiths, Madchester, Madonna, Hip Hop, Acid House, Electro?  

> 90’s - Britpop, Oasis, Blur, Techno, Nirvana, Aphex Twin, Trance?

> There was tons of great indie, pop and electronic music from both decades.  I’m not saying there were better than other decade but there endless amounts of amazing music.

Yes indeed. drum & bass and jungle emerged in the 90's, too.


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