Windmore End

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 Allovesclimbin 10 May 2024

Does anyone know if the main crag at Windmore End ( left part of the crag) is still restricted? I looked at the BMC RAD database but it doesn’t mention anything. The most recent FRCC guidebook says it is currently no go and I don’t want to cause problems. 

 petegunn 11 May 2024
In reply to Allovesclimbin:

Whats strange is that far end is owned by the local council so dont see why you can't climb there.

I've done a few of the routes on the far left end using the old Stew Wilson guide before the newer frcc Eden Valley guide came out, never had any problems. The log books dates suggest the ban came in when the new guide came out so maybe the council where asked about access for the guide.

Ron Kenyon would be the person to ask though.

Post edited at 10:15
In reply to petegunn:

I asked Ron via e mail and he states the situation, unfortunately, has not changed. . Perhaps we should lobby the parish council!

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