Symonds yat update

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From the look of the Forestry commission the restrictions have now been extended into march 2025. Do we know why? Is there no climbing at all there?

 Sam Beaton 09 Jun 2024
In reply to kazzmaniandevil:

The closure details are here

The BMC's own website says they are consulted over such closures

How did the BMC respond to the consultation for this latest closure?

 BMC Cymru 09 Jun 2024
In reply to kazzmaniandevil:

Hi guys - I know my colleague Jon Fullwood has been actively working to try and regain access here but I'm also aware that they have been arguing that there is a significant risk to the public to justify closure. We are not taking any backwards steps here and it is always our policy that closures should be evidence-based. 

I'm personally based in Cardiff and have had some of my best ever days on rock out on the Yat, so I'm really missing it too.

It's the weekend now so Jon won't have seen this post but I will ask him for an update tomorrow morning. 


Eben (BMC Campaigns and Policy Officer just over the border in Wales).

In reply to Sam Beaton:

Hi Sam

After a meeting with FE and the local access rep on site it was concluded that there was no likelihood of blocking the extension of the restriction, given that the report had identified work (building of new catch fence) that needed to be done to protect the path and property beneath areas of crag identified as at risk of further rockfall. Instead we're negotiating to get limited crag opening  prior to completion of the work, and pushing for the work to be carried out as soon as possible.

Further detail -

 BMC Cymru 09 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

I stand corrected... Evening Jon! 😆 

 Sam Beaton 09 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Thanks for the update Jon, and the link to the other thread

 EllenHolmes 01 Jul 2024
In reply to kazzmaniandevil:

Such a shame the crag will remain closed for a very extended period of time, I don't know the area too well but was hoping to visit this summer. Do people think the risk is as high as Forestry England are making out or is it a case of health and safety gone mad? Seems a bit excessive to shut the crag for 2 years!

 PaulJepson 01 Jul 2024
In reply to EllenHolmes:

If it's any consolation,  Shorn Cliff is much better.

 MarkH55 01 Jul 2024
In reply to PaulJepson:

I was going to say 'Don't tell any one about Shorn Cliff', but the cat's out of the bag, it was heaving on Saturday 😉

Post edited at 18:19
In reply to EllenHolmes:

No it probably is not, nor does it take two years to design and install a rock catch barrier to replace the damaged one.  However, were you wishing for a crag to revegetate, making climbing less attractive, in the Wye Valley two years would probably do it.

 Tony Buckley 03 Jul 2024
In reply to MarkH55:

I think the cat got let out of the bag when it was included in the Wye Valley guidebook in about 1988.


 fred99 03 Jul 2024
In reply to :

Do the "powers that be" realise that, without climbers removing ivy from the (previously) climbed sections before it can get hold, the likelihood of blocks being split off by said ivy will increase, and the chances that any catch fence will be inadequate will also increase.

Having seen the size of the boulders on the old railway line leading to Chepstow, if ivy was allowed to grow unchecked then at some point in the future it is quite possible that something would come down that was capable of completely flattening any building by the riverside, not just causing a little bit of damage.

In reply to fred99:

Leave the ivy alone, it is the red valerian that is the real block splitter!

But your point is valid, Avon Gorge has an early warning system, the local climbers.


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