Stonestar Crag - Bird Restriction

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Anyone thinking of visiting Stonestar Crag should be aware that a bird restriction for peregrines is in place until the end of June.

This is not a new restriction, however there was a duplicate entry on the RAD (now corrected) showing unclear information and climbers have been reported as visiting recently. 

Updated entry -

 ebdon 14 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Guving this a bump as I saw some climbers there on Sunday and was wondering about this, not very impressed as they must have literally stepped over the restriction sign to get to the crag!

 Arms Cliff 14 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Does this include the boulders too? Remember there being some confusion over this previously 

 Michael Hood 14 May 2024
In reply to ebdon:

> Giving this a bump as I saw some climbers there on Sunday and was wondering about this, not very impressed as they must have literally stepped over the restriction sign to get to the crag!

Did you try communicating with them?

Edit: don't know about the climbing, but Stonestar's probably one of the easiest places in the Lakes to watch Peregrines.

Post edited at 19:41
 ebdon 14 May 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

Alas I was a passenger driving past, a little hungover and taking some babysteps back in to climbing for the first time after a bad accident so not really in the mood for an argument, did look out for peregrines though!

The starred routes are great (when it's not banned)

Post edited at 20:49
 Michael Hood 14 May 2024
In reply to ebdon:

Forgot about your accident, if you're out climbing - even if it's "babysteps", then it sounds like you're on the road to recovery.

 ebdon 15 May 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

Thanks, its somewhat of a shock to go from ambitions of onsighting E5 to stuggling to second a Diff, but also a reminder that climbing isn't just about numbers, trying hard and getting scared, spending time with old friends on sunny rock has snapped me out of a post injury malaise and given pause to reflect on some possibly unhealthy attitudes I had developed in my climbing.

Maybe I'll get back to Stonestar next year, peregrines permitting.

In reply to Arms Cliff:

I checked this with LDNPA and yes the restriction covers the boulders. Will add this detail to the RAD entry.

 Arms Cliff 15 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

Thanks for clearing up 

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