Portland - Access and Walkers Car Park

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 tcashmore 24 May 2024

Planning to go to Portland tomorrow - its been a very long time since I last went, is the Walkers car park still open and does anyone know if you still need pound coins to pay !

Also, accessing the Blacknor & Battleship areas, have there been significant changes due to rock falls/slides ?

Much appreciated


 mutt 24 May 2024
In reply to tcashmore:

Can't answer to how the car parks payment options but you'll find an entirely new crag at Battleship where the old approach slope used to be. Blacknor South slope has moved significantly too so you will find that its a bit of assault course in places. I think both cliffs are accessible still.

Others can probably provide more detail.

 JIMBO 24 May 2024
In reply to tcashmore:

the carpark can be paid via an app

OP tcashmore 24 May 2024
In reply to JIMBO:


In reply to tcashmore:

If you around till Monday mr T Swanage trad be good ? 🤪- free parking - hope alls well 

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