Hen Cloud bird status

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 midgen 31 May 2024

Any bird bans on Hen Cloud at the moment? I don't see anything on RAD but it's not been uodates since 2022....

 Michael Hood 31 May 2024
In reply to midgen:

Can't give you a definitive answer but can give some general "advice" in case you're not familiar:

  1. IIRC the Peregrines that used to nest on Hen Cloud no longer do - unless that site has again been re-established
  2. If there is a current bird ban then there should be in situ signs, and/or possibly people monitoring the site (maybe it was only at busy weekends way back then) who will ask you to "go elsewhere" if you get it wrong
  3. If you approach and there are Peregrines about with eggs or chicks (and they are disturbed) then they will let you know with high pitched agitated screeching - find a recording on the web if you need to know what it sounds like - retreat
  4. You would be highly unlikely to have managed to start climbing before disturbed Peregrines let you know

Luckily, the Roaches is just up the road instead

P.S. If there are Ravens nesting there then the young will have most likely fledged by now - early nesters

 andi turner 03 Jun 2024
In reply to midgen:


There are currently no restrictions on Hen Cloud for nesting. There are still several active nests (Jackdaws?) although climbers don't 'appear' to bother these too much, especially in the limited numbers which Hen Cloud receives.

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