Denham Quarry - Nesting Kestrels

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Kestrels have been observed and are thought to be nesting at the right hand end of the main break, where it deepens, on Complete Streaker. Please avoid climbing around this area until August. Whilst kestrels are not a schedule 1 protected species, they are in decline in the UK and climbers should take every care to avoid disturbing nesting birds and chicks.

 Martin Bennett 10 May 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

You may want to re-couch this as it is ambiguous. I think I know what you mean but in referring to the horizontal break that is traversed by Complete Streaker in The Pool Area of the quarry as "the main break" you're in danger of confusing it with the climb "Main Break" a Hard Severe at the far end of the quarry.

If that was assumed by your reader practically the whole quarry would be off limits!

Main Break (HS 4a)

Post edited at 12:57
In reply to Martin Bennett:

Thanks Martin. I will amend the RAD to - "Kestrels have been observed and are thought to be nesting at the wider right hand end of the mid-height break on Complete Streaker. The route between Concave Wall and Dry should be avoided until August."

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