Covid-19 warning on BMC-RAD app

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I mean its been 4 years, and 2 years since the BMC wrote anything about COVID - is it time for the BMC to remove the COVID-19 warning from the RAD app. It's a bit jarring when checking access issues at a crag and the warning always pops up. 

 Fat Bumbly 2.0 31 May 2024
In reply to Barney Williams:

While I am getting tired of out of date Covid info on sites - take care it is still out there and I may have life changing consequences from an infection in Winter.    This thing is bad, still dangerous.

In reply to Fat Bumbly 2.0:

Sorry to hear about your infection Bumbly - however I'm not saying people shouldn't be careful, I'm just saying it is no longer a formal access/travel issue so shouldn't be on a app delivering up-to-date access information. 

Post edited at 17:25
 Fat Bumbly 2.0 31 May 2024
In reply to Barney Williams:

I had hoped my post would be understood.  This is not a criticism of the OP in anyway.  To many lazy types out there not updating websites.  

 Cheese Monkey 31 May 2024
In reply to Barney Williams:

They cant even get the app on to modern versions of Android or show updates to the RAD on the app in real time so I doubt there will be any change

 Luke90 31 May 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

App development isn't trivial, especially for organisations where it's well outside their area of expertise. I still find the RAD app useful, but it's arguably less relevant than it used to be now that more ubiquitous mobile data makes it less challenging to access the website itself while out and about. With plenty of other things for the BMC to focus on right now, I'm not going to judge them all that much for letting the app slide a bit.

 Cheese Monkey 31 May 2024
In reply to Luke90:

When the app is not showing current access advice, some of which that can change at short notice (bird nesting restrictions), that is an issue that needs addressing and has been outstanding for a long time. 

 Luke90 31 May 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

That's a fair criticism and potentially much more significant than not keeping the app updated for recent Android versions. I've not noticed it being significantly behind the website myself, but I could easily have missed that. How delayed is the sync? When you said "not real time" I assumed you meant quite a brief lag. I know the app caches data for when you don't have signal, which is the chief advantage over the website from my perspective.

 Luke90 31 May 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

I've just checked the most recently updated crag on the RAD website (Pot Hole Quarry) and then the same listing on the app and they seem to be in line.

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