Bird restriction Agden Rocher

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Barn owls are reported to nesting in the crack of Pollux. Barn owls are Schedule 1 protected species and as such it is a criminal offense to disturb nesting individuals. Please do not climb Pollux, Wheat Thin, or Castor for the duration of the restriction, which runs from now until the start of September.

 Kim 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

I checked this out today and it's actually Kestrels nesting in the route. So less criminal but please still avoid disturbing them! I've put a sign at the base for those same three routes - but dated to 30th June as they should have fledged by then.

Also, a couple of buttresses over, the Tawny Owls nesting in Oak Tree Walk will have fledged by now so I've taken the sign down there.

In reply to Access BMC (England):

Thanks Kim.

 PaulJepson 12 Jun 2024
In reply to Access BMC (England):

They must be very thin owls!

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