Which carbon wheels

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 Dave B 26 May 2024

For a disc road bike. Around the £1000. 

General purpose. Must be hooked. Between 40 and 50mm ideally. Long lasting hubs that are serviceable. 

Originally thought roval c38, but seen a dubious review amongst the reasonably +ve.

Ryot 44 would be the upper upper upper end of what I could afford. But look vv good

Others to consider?

On another note, had a tubeless tyre explode off a rim yesterday. Really scary. Had pumped up to 55psi early morning inside. Didn't managed to seat the tyre again, so had to use an inner tube to get home. Do you reckon the tyre is ruined? 

 TobyA 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

Sorry, can't afford carbon wheels so nothing helpful to say there, but any thoughts on why your tyre came off the rim? It does sound very scary, I take it you didn't hurt yourself (or at least not too badly if you rode home). Was it a road bike tire and wheel?

 Dangerous Dave 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:


I have a set of Scribe wheels and they have been flawless for over 10,000km would highly recommend.

OP Dave B 26 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Yes, road. Panaracer slick

Fortunately wasn't going too fast and wasn't going round a corner. Really hard to control the wheel, and managed to keep it up right. Just a bit jittery going back. The tyre was only up to 25psi, so a bit squidgy.  

Post edited at 14:04
 SteveJC94 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

I've had a set of Shimano RS710 C46 for the past 6 months and they've been spot on. I've also heard good things about the Mavic Cosmic SL 45 which you can often find on sale for under £1,000.

Whatever you get, I'd go for a "mainstream" or common brand and buy from a reputable dealer in case you have any warranty issues and/or need to source spare parts; that's one of the main reason's I went for the Shimano's. 

 pacef8 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

Get hand built from the likes of stayer or pacenti hope pro 4 or dt hubs .  

OP Dave B 26 May 2024
In reply to pacef8:

I think they're both getting expensive for me. They're more like £1500 mins rather than the ideal 1000... 

Look good though

OP Dave B 26 May 2024
In reply to SteveJC94:

I'm avoiding Mavic tbh. 

Shimano are a possibility. 

 RBK 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B: I think Rovals are great, DT Swiss hubs, hooked, non-weird spokes if you break one on a trip and good support from Specialized in my experience. You’ll always find a crap review somewhere. Been through various hand built options and never seen the benefit sadly…. Still can’t quite bring myself to bin the set with knackered Hope hubs in the shed! Having had lots problems with Mavic over the years the carbon wheels I had from them were actually ok. 

OP Dave B 26 May 2024
In reply to RBK:

I've been looking at the scribd core 4250 wide set that Dave suggested as a brand. 

Which look rather good. If they stick around, they look like they have a good spec and should be good for a while. 

OP Dave B 26 May 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Not sure why the tyre came off. Id done about 200km since fitting and it has been fine. They only thing I can think of is maybe I got the tyre pressure wrong and it had over heated in the sun... But this was 50 minutes into the ride... And it had been as hot throughout.. probably hotter in the car ( I was taking my son somewhere and rode  from there) 

Rim damaged a bit (paint scraped off) and I'm not trusting the tyre tubeless any more... 

 Green Porridge 26 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

I bought myself a set of these 2.5 years ago from my LBS and found they have been great: https://leeze.de/products/cc-50-disc-basic 

Aerodynamically apparently pretty good (I picked them following a big comparison review in a German magazine), and I've found them well built and very nice to ride. They are hooked, but tubeless ready (I run them with latex tubes so can't comment on how good they are without tubes). I've just got the standard bearings, but they run wonderfully smoothly, still. I would certainly buy the same again. 

 crayefish 27 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

Build your own!  I bought some 65mm lightbicycle carbon rims for my gravel bike and built them onto some DT swiss 350 straight pull hubs with aerocomp spokes.  It's taken some serious hits and been fine.  Very tough and cost effective!  Plus, it's fun and pretty easy to build your own rims if you're mechanically minded.  They also do pre build if you don't fancy the fun.

 ianstevens 27 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

Worth looking at hunt wheels in this price bracket I think. Great customer service! Every wheel will have some bad reviews mind.

edit to add: check your pressures!! 55 sounds very low - I run mine at 80 (80kg system weight, 28mm tyre). 

Post edited at 08:35
 pacef8 27 May 2024

My mate has a shop and loves people buying hunt . They keep him in business with their shonky materials . They are cheap for a reason .

 ianstevens 27 May 2024
In reply to pacef8:

Of course the quality isn’t the best, but my experience and that of my fellow bike acquaintances is that they’re fine - of course you get what you pay for, but the OP is setting a pretty restrictive budget for good carbon wheels!

 LastBoyScout 27 May 2024
In reply to SteveJC94:

> I've also heard good things about the Mavic Cosmic SL 45 which you can often find on sale for under £1,000.

Personally, I'd avoid Mavic whole wheels - they discontinue the spokes, or other service parts, after a few years. The rims are good, though - got them on a couple of bikes with Shimano or other hubs.

OP Dave B 27 May 2024
In reply to ianstevens:

Tubeless at 80psi? Max pressure on the tyres I used is 60psi. 32mm  gravelling slick + tlc.

OP Dave B 27 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

Thanks for all the suggestions. I've just ordered some ffwd Ryot 44 at 1150 from swinnerton.  I find the money down the sofa ... 

They have a solid reputation and spokes and hub are branded. 

Hopefully they'll live up to the hype. 


OP Dave B 27 May 2024
In reply to crayefish:

I'm not up to building wheels. I'm happy with most other maintenance.. but headsets, press fit bbs and wheeltrue and build go to a shop

 ianstevens 27 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

> Tubeless at 80psi? Max pressure on the tyres I used is 60psi. 32mm  gravelling slick + tlc.

Yeah, road. And good quality road at that.

 mark burley 29 May 2024
In reply to Dave B:

> Thanks for all the suggestions. I've just ordered some ffwd Ryot 44 at 1150 from swinnerton.  I find the money down the sofa ... 

> They have a solid reputation and spokes and hub are branded. 

> Hopefully they'll live up to the hype. 

> Cheers

Are you sure they aren’t for rim brakes? 

 SteveJC94 29 May 2024
In reply to LastBoyScout:

> Personally, I'd avoid Mavic whole wheels - they discontinue the spokes, or other service parts, after a few years. The rims are good, though - got them on a couple of bikes with Shimano or other hubs.

Good to know as I'd been considering a set of lower end Mavic's to replace my winter training wheels. 

Post edited at 12:17
OP Dave B 30 May 2024
In reply to mark burley:

Pretty sure they're disc. The rim brake wheel is a different model. 

They had a weekend sale on. It made it v good value. 

OP Dave B 30 May 2024
In reply to ianstevens:

Ok. That quite a high pressure for tubeless. Do they seal ok? 

 mark burley 03 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave B:

I might be looking at the wrong ones due to the cost reference, those ones mentioned a braking technology so I assumed rim brakes.

I will be happy to be wrong. 

OP Dave B 03 Jun 2024
In reply to mark burley:

They've arrived . Definitely discs, centre lock. 

Awaiting bike... 

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