Sir Cav

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 Rog Wilko 15 Jun 2024

King’s birthday honours list includes knighthood for Cav. Not the first, I think - didn’t Hoy get one too?

 Hovercraft 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Rog Wilko:

Chris Hoy, and Bradley Wiggins.

Jason Kenny

Laura Kenny and Sarah Storey as Dames.

Probably others as well, those are the ones that come to mind first

Delighted Cav has been recognised

Post edited at 12:45
 felt 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Rog Wilko:

Tebbit went straight to a peerage.

 crayefish 15 Jun 2024
In reply to Hovercraft:

Definitely.  He's a legend!

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