Pedal Axle thread size

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 Clueless 03 Jun 2024


don’t suppose anyone can advise what the thread size is on a bike pedal axle. My son has managed to damage the LH pedal, which is obviously a LH thread, and was wondering if anyone knows this so I can retap.

damage is minor, so just needs running through with a taper tap.

Would be grateful for any advice.

thanks in advance.

OP Clueless 03 Jun 2024
In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Thanks, never thought of that

 wilkie14c 03 Jun 2024
In reply to Clueless:

Run the tap through on the back side of the crank arm. The threads on that side presumably won’t be damaged so the tap will start true and follow the existing threads. Always a chance of it starting kiddywompus on damaged threads.

That’s how we used to do spark plug holes that’d been mashed, had to take the bloody head off though 

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