Old tyres

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 supersteve 27 Jun 2024

What do I do with old tyres? My cyclocross tyres have done 2 seasons and are fully trashed. Throwing them in the bin seems irresponsible?

 JamButty 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

Think you can take them to LBS,  believe Halfords may take them?,  but I ain't sure so interested in the answers.

I also keep a few anyway,  as backups in case I have a major blowout or use for winter turbo

 LastBoyScout 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

Various places will take them for recycling. Try local bike shops or Halfords.

Decathlon definitely do, if there is one near you.

OP supersteve 27 Jun 2024
In reply to LastBoyScout:

Thanks. Will give that a go. 

 Robbo1 27 Jun 2024
In reply to supersteve:

I cut mine up and taped them together to fit over my ice axe picks so that I could use my axes on my kids' climbing frame...

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